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Prices Valid Until: Monday 26th June 2023

Five Roses loose tea 250g
Spar BotswanaP 119.95

Weet-bix 450g
Spar BotswanaP 118.95

White Star super maize meal 12.5kg
Spar BotswanaP 117.95

Wellington’s chutney 450g
Spar BotswanaP 116.95

Notwane eggs size 2, 1x48s
Spar BotswanaP 108.95

Senn foods chilli beef russians 1kg
Spar BotswanaP 107.95

Senn foods viennas assorted 1kg
Spar BotswanaP 109.95

Simba potato chips 125g
Spar BotswanaP 110.95

Simba salted peanuts and raisins 150g
Spar BotswanaP 111.95

Snowwhite white bread flour 2.5kg
Spar BotswanaP 112.95

Stork butter spread 500g
Spar BotswanaP 113.95

Tastic rice 5kg
Spar BotswanaP 114.95

Tswana pride mixed portions 2kg
Spar BotswanaP 115.95

Bokomo cake flour 2.5kg
Spar BotswanaP 98.95

McCain stir fry 750g
Spar BotswanaP 97.95

Nescafe classic coffee 200g
Spar BotswanaP 99.95

Nescafe Ricoffy coffee 750g
Spar BotswanaP 100.95

Nestle Milo 500g
Spar BotswanaP 101.95

Pure white brown sugar 2.5kg
Spar BotswanaP 103.95

Prime madila 2L
Spar BotswanaP 102.95

Romany cream classic chocolate biscuits 35g
Spar BotswanaP 106.95

Rajah curry powder 40g
Spar BotswanaP 104.95

Robertsons Jikelele spice 100g
Spar BotswanaP 105.95

Lancewood cheddar cheese 900g
Spar BotswanaP 91.95